So You Want More High-Dollar Life, Annuity, and Long-Term care Cases?

Great! There are only two ingredients you need:

  1. Access to people with serious money and 
  2. A solution to a problem they can’t solve without you

The challenge, of course, is that both are elusive.

But we’ve solved that. 

You’re about to learn how to find and attract people with serious money—and to solve a problem for them they cannot solve any other way.

Who we are - (and who we're not)

My name is Jay Beattey. My company is Velomon, LLC ( I am a producer at heart—just like you. In fact, I actively produce today. It just so happens that I’ve developed a selling system that drives large premium life, annuity, and long-term care sales—and I think others (like you) can tap into what I’m doing and have great success too.

I’ve been a producer myself for 20 years. While insurance is a second career for me, I’ve been pretty successful at both life insurance and annuity sales. I’ve written two books on insurance (and a children’s book), and both speak to and train advisors. 

In other words, I’ve been around the block, and I’ve become pretty good at what I do. And I believe you can become pretty good at what I do, too!

Now a bit on who we're not!  

Velomon is NOT an IMO, FMO, or BGA. That means we don't want your contracts. In fact, we don't want to disturb any carrier or wholesaler relationships you currently enjoy.

We'll talk about how we get paid later - but we believe you'll find it a refreshing way to build a true partnership.

Two Killer Selling Systems

We've built two killer selling systems you can take advantage of. A selling system is a 'success track to run on' - an organized way to attract prospects, engage in meaningful conversations, and guide a prospect to a decision to buy from you.

A successful selling system must have several elements:

  • Branding that establishes credibility
  • Training that makes you an expert
  • Support that helps you close deals
  • A robust, proven, client-acquisition/lead generation strategy
  • A conversational process that leads to a desired outcome
  • A case design and operational system that delivers for the client
  • A compensation model that is lucrative for you - the advisor

If that's what you're looking for - read on - you've found it!

Selling System 1 - Roth Conversion

Converting a traditional qualified plan (IRA, 401k, etc.) to a Roth IRA is something nearly everyone should do. 


Because Roth IRAs are tax-free and eliminate 7 risks associated with traditional IRAs. What are they?

  1. The risk of future tax rate increases
  2. Continuing to pay investing fees and commissions on the embedded tax liability - money that's not yours!
  3. The risk that RMD's (Required Minimum Distributions) will erode account values
  4. The "Widow's penalty - surviving spouses pay taxes at higher 'single-filer' rates
  5. The risk that distributions will trigger the taxation of Social Securiyt benefits
  6. The risk that distributions will increase Medicare Premiums (IRMMA)
  7. The risk of passing on a (typically larger) tax liability to beneficiaries

But there’s one big hangup – the conversion tax. Not only is the conversion tax a big number, but it reduces net worth – which is a showstopper for most people.

For example. Madeline has a $500,000 IRA (hint: Madeline has ‘serious money’). If she were to convert it to a Roth IRA – and pay 30% in taxes to do so - she’d have to send the tax man $150,000, leaving her with a $350,000 Roth IRA.

Few can stomach the idea of voluntarily writing a check to the government for $150,000. While Madeline may be interested in eliminating the 7 risks of traditional IRAs, the ‘cost’ of conversion may be just too much to stomach.

But when we show Madeline that she can end up with a Roth IRA valued at between $400,000 (on the low end), and $500,000 – the FULL dollar value of her previously taxable traditional IRA – it’s a total game changer – and Madeline is suddenly and enthusiastically re-engaged – leaning in to learn more.

We utilize three separate strategies - all of which are independent of the other, but that can be 'stacked' to create an enormously favorable outcome for the client.  

Roth Conversion Strategy 1

Our first strategy uses what's called an IRA-LLC. By inserting an LLC into the client's IRA, it is the LLC that must be valued for Roth conversion purposes. And because LLCs are governed by Operating Agreements, the operating agreement we use qualifies the LLC for IRS-prescribed discounts that will total 35%.

So Madeline (from above), would move her $500,000 into an LLC that we put into her IRA. If she wants to convert, her IRA-LLC will be valued at $350,000 and taxed accordingly. Madeline will save at least 35% off the 'retail' tax cost of converting conventionally. 

So if we assume Madeline's tax bracket is 30%, her conversion tax woudl be reduced from $150,000 (30% X $500,000) to $105,000 (30% X $350,000). That shifts $45,000 from Uncle Sam - back to Madeline - and we're just getting started.

Roth Conversion Strategy 2

The second of our strategies allows the client to pay the conversion tax using federally issued tax credits which can be purchased at $.60 / $1.00.  

So Madeline could pay her $105,000 discounted tax liability (after Strategy 1), using just $63,000 of her money to purchase credits to pay the tax.

That $63,000 becomes her cost to convert her $500,000 traditional IRA, leaving her with a starting Roth balance of $437,000 - a huge win!

But we're not done yet!

Roth Conversion Strategy 3

You don't know this yet - but you've already earned a nice commission when your client took advantage of Strategies 1 and 2 - but here comes the motherlode!

What if you suggested to Madeline that she might want to put some of her new Roth money into an accumulation annuity with a front-end cash bonus?  

She's open to the idea, and ends up deciding to put $250,000 of her Roth balance into a product with a 15% front-end cash bonus? The insurance company would deposit an addiitonal $37,500 ($250,000 X 15%) into her Roth annuity. Now, her day-one Roth value (D1RV as we call it - the only relevant measure of conversion effectiveness) is $474,500 - just an eyelash away from her starting traditional balance of $500,000.

Home Run!!!

Selling System 2 – The Million Dollar Miner

Our second selling system goes under the name The Million Dollar Miner . Here, we build 'optimized retirement income plans' for our clients.  

What is an optimized retirement income Plan? We define it this way.

  1. We seek to maximize the amount of spendable income our client has access to through retirement, and
  2. Eliminate or minimize the Five Retirement Risks
    1. Market Risk
    2. Depletion Risk
    3. Tax Rate Risk
    4. Fee drain Risk
    5. Long-term care risk

Embedded in that brief description, you can see selling opportunities for what you and I do. For example:

  • Annuities eliminate market risk, depletion risk, and fee drain risk. 
  • Roth conversion eliminates or reduces tax-rate risk, and 
  • We have insurance products that are great hedges against long-term care risk

Now here’s where things get interesting—and the reason the right kind of clients are attracted to our proposition.

The Million Dollar Miner is a fee-based engagement—meaning the client pays you before you sell or even introduce a single product. And our fee is expensive. It’s a three-meeting engagement that will be completed in 30 days with no expectation that the client will work with us past the engagement period. 

But here’s where it stands out. We offer the most unique guarantee in the industry:

If we can’t show you at least $1,000,000 more in lifetime income/wealth, we insist on refunding our engagement fee.

How can we offer such a thing? We focus on the three areas where our products (life insurance and annuities) do better than any other products on the face of the planet.

  • Distribution Inefficiencies
  • Fee Inefficiencies
  • Tax Inefficiencies

The MDM proposition is so simple and so compelling; we convey what we do with one simple image—and one question.

How much would you pay for a spin on this wheel?

We’ll teach you exactly how to conduct each of the three meetings — how to build your case - how to present it back to the client - and how to become their implementation advisor, virtually 100% of the time. 

When you do, there are usually multiple product sales. Perhaps there's an acumulation annuity, an income annuity, a life insurance policy (or two), and even a long-term care linked-benefit policy. These cases can generate $25,000 or more in commissions.

Okay - but How Do I Find Prospects?

At present, we’re still working on an automated appointment generation for the Million Dollar Miner. But we’ve built a prolific appointment-generation system for Roth conversions.

First, we're very deliberate when we say 'appointment-generation system.' We all hate chasing leads - particularly bad ones. We want to wake up to a full calendar of qualified appointments so we can do what we do best - TALK TO PEOPLE!

That's exactly what we do.

People looking to convert their traditional IRAs, 401s, and others have a few things in common:

  • They are highly motivated to find solutions.
  • They have a huge tax problem.
  • They have serious money

So our message is pretty compelling. We place simple Facebook ads on your account telling people we can cut their Roth conversion tax by up to 65%.

When a visitor clicks on your ad to see if they qualify for the tax reduction, their inquiry is sent to an AI assistant that does two things. First, it ‘qualifies’ the prospect by asking three questions:

  1. How much do they have to convert (in a range)?
  2. What is your timeline (pre-retirement, retirement, etc.)?
  3. How do you see using the money (growth, income, legacy)?

The AI assistant then begins communicating with the lead through text message and email as if it were you—urging them to set up a call with you to learn how much you can reduce their conversion tax by.  

The AI knows your calendar and books a call with the prospect automatically into one of your next three calendar openings. You simply reach out at the appropriate time and follow our script-outline to begin the conversation.  

During your 15-minute call, you’ll be able to give the prospect a good sense of what you do, how it works, and what they could save. That will either lead to another conversation or bring things to a close.  

The appointment-generation system is completely scalable. Since you control your ad budget, you control the number of appointments on your calendar. Most of our advisors invest $10-$20/day ($300-$600/month) in ads and get 10-20 confirmed phone appointments in return - some, many more. Closing them at even a nominal rate is very lucrative.

Many advisors don’t need lead generation but want access to all the other elements of the selling system, so lead generation is broken out as an optional service. But for those who need leads, the ROI is spectacular (which we’ll discuss more in the ‘how do you get paid’ section).

What Does It Cost?

Our philosophy is to create a win-win partnership. By that, we mean we provide our core training as well as sales and operational support at essentially break-even.


Even our lead gen program is provided ‘at cost.’ We’re not looking to make money on leads or membership fees. Rather, the bulk of ‘what’s in it for us’ is a 20% ‘success fee’ when you sell an annuity. That means we get paid when you get paid.  

  • We earn a portion of the Roth Conversion Fee for those who want to leverage our strategies to save taxes on conversion, and
  • We take 20% of any annuity case you write that is based on our Roth Conversion process. You simply write us in on the application, and we’re paid by the carrier.

There are two plans you can choose from to access the selling systems.  

  • If you don’t need leads, you can join for $99/month and receive training, weekly coaching calls, collateral material, software and branding, and strategy implementation to support your efforts.  

What’s more, the $99 is refunded to you any month in which you place a case, so it should be free most of the time. We even waive the $99 for three months to give you a head start. All we charge to get started is a one-time onboarding fee of $299.

  • If you need appointments, our package is $500/month (which includes the $99 monthly fee), plud a one-time onboarding fee of $349 (total = $849 tot to get started). We’ll help manage your Facebook ad account and provide the AI system to convert leads into appointments. The AI system also acts as a CRM so you can supplement the AI with your own follow-up to increase the yield on your leads even more.

You set your ad budget where you want. We recommend $10-$20/day, which will be billed directly to you from Facebook (no markup). In total, you'll invest $800- $1,100/month for 10-20 qualified appointments. .

Success Trak Membership

If you're a top-notch advisor who is coachable, and serious about becoming a subject-matter expert, Success Trak membership may be for you.

Here's how it works.  

You'll bypass the other membership levels and begin receiving a minimum of 15 qualified, confirmed appointments each month - and begin closing cases immediately. 

  • You'll begin intensified online training immediately,
  • You'll have a one-hour onboarding call with Jay Beattey to set a gameplan in place
  • You'll have weekly Success Trak training calls with outher Success Trak members only, facilited by Jay Beattey.
  • You'll have weekly coaching and accounability calls with Jay Beattey
  • You'll be able to book joint prospect calls with Jay Beattey to get deals across the finish line
  • You'l be GUARANTEED at least $40,000 of commission earnings in the first 6-months (conditions apply)
  • Upon successful completion of the program, you'll continue to receive a minimum of 15 confirmed appointments with qualified prospects monthly - at no addiitonal charge (conditions apply)
  • You'll qualify to become a Roth Conversion Mentor - sharing what you've learned with others - and you'll be compensated for doing so.

Success Trak members go through an interview process to determine eligiblity. If invited into membership, Success Trak members pay a one-time membershsip fee of $8,000 (or $1,200/month X 5 with $3,000 down). The guarantee represents a minimum 500% return on investment.  

Interested in Success Trak? Bok a call with Jay to schedule your qualification interview today.

What Can I Earn?

Here's a secret.

The Roth Conversion program is one element of what we do to deliver the promise of the Million Dollar Miner program. So many cases that start out as Roth Conversion cases - end up as Million Dollar Miner cases - and many Million Dollar Miner cases have Roth conversion as one component that delivers the promised $1,000,000 or more in lifetime income gains.

That means the two selling systems often cross-pollinate one-another - meaning your commission opportunities are substantial.  

But let's get specific!

Roth Conversion Earnings Potential

There are three ways you earn money closing Roth Conversion cases:

  • Strategy one involves a client fee of between $10,000 - $25,000. That fee is commissioable to you at $2,500 to $15,000.
  • Strategy two - tax credits. If the client wishes to purchase tax credits, you earn a flat commission of $2,500.
  • Strategy three - Annuity. If the client wishes to purchase an annuity with a portion of their resulting Roth balance, you earn the full commission paid by your carrier/IMO, minus a 20% cash split by writing us into the case.

Million Dollar Miner Earnings Potential

The Million Dollar Miner engagement is a 30-day, 3-meeting process that promises to demonstrate $1,000,000 or more in additional lifetime wealth for the client - without changing their savings rate, risk profile, return on investment, and without using products or services the client would be unfamiliar with.

The engagement fee is paid upfront. The fee varies, but ranges from $3,000 to $25,000. You earn everything over a $2,500 minimum which we require to assist in the design of the case.  

Any product sales that result (life, annuity, LTC), are paid at your full contract rate subject to our standard 20% case split.

Okay - I lied - sort of...

Velomon does have a relationship with one direct-to-agent carrier we may invite you to contract with (them, not us). Those who do so earn a slightly lower commission, but we waive the case split. Many of our advisors find this a great opportunity to keep their commission earnings as high as possible.

Think you're ready?

If you…

  • Want to become a Roth conversion specialist—and really learn and understand how to talk conversion with clients, and/or
  • You’re looking to earn more and work less by accessing large case annuity sales that close themselves…
  • You’re looking to become a true Optimized Retirement Income specialist - increasing clients' retirements by thousands each year... 

We don't think there’s a better annuity selling system anywhere.  

But you also need to be realistic.

This is a sophisticated, higher-level strategy. You must be committed to becoming an expert professional on all things related to IRAs and Roth conversions.  

It’s not a 100-level sale—it is a 300-level sale. So if you’re new in the business or have been in the business forever but are not ready to really buckle down, learn, and hold yourself out as a true financial professional, this will not work for you.

It’s also a low-volume, high ‘commission-per-case’ selling system.  

You may go a month or two without a closed deal, then knock 3 or 4 off in one month. As a stand-alone strategy, it can be a ‘feast-or-famine’ proposition. And while the average commission is north of $20,000 per case, if you cannot sustain yourself through the commission droughts, you probably need to be doing something else that produces regular income while pursuing these kinds of cases.

Let's Light this Candle!

You have three options from here.

If you’re ready to sign up, you don’t need leads, and you want to take advantage of three months free ($199 onboarding fee only), lets get started:

Access Our Selling Systems Today 

If you’re ready to go and need a steady stream of prospects to talk to about what we do, fill your calendar with qualified appointments in just a few days, sign up here ($500/month + $349 Onboarding = $849 today):

Selling Systems PLUS Appointment Generation    

If you need more information, want to talk, or have additional questions, let's talk! Book a call with me personally here:

Set up a Call 

Jay Beattey

[email protected]

(317) 513-5785